Instantly upgrade your wealth psychology to first class with Shayla Locklear

A word of warning: You are about to experience some serious word and wealth nerdery in today’s episode and when you meet this absolute powerhouse, you’re going to get why. Prepare (or don’t) to feel your brain and bank account bend in real time. 

Shayla Locklear is a Wealth Psychology & High Performance Coach and Consigliere to UHNW (ultra high net worth) individuals and families. 

Through her High Performance & Wealth Psychology private coaching, succession and family governance consulting, intimate masterminds, wealth retreats, speaking on stages worldwide, she is the top choice to lead, coach, advise and mentor the world's most elite.  

She is powerful, she is magnetic and she is sovereign – Shayla knows what she wants and how she wants to do it all whilst being in the vibration of expansion and the frequency of wealth. She goes first.  

Watch the interview on YouTube here:

In our short yet potent time together, Shayla expertly reveals: 

  • Why most entrepreneurs don’t target HNW and UHNWI and what’s going on within their own wealth psychology 

  • How she acclimatised to being around and working with wealthy people as an aspect of embodying full ownership of her desires 

  • The surprising way in which she started charging 5 figures and beyond for coaching once she had her own business 

  • Her personal experiencing of receiving individual payments of $50k, $100k and $250k in her business and the power of private mentoring in a world of mainstream, en masse models.  

  • What women in business need to let go of in order to receive more wealth through their business and 

  • What you require permission to do differently when it comes to receiving money and wealth and the secret is that – we're already doing this in other contexts of our life.  







It’s time for you to be a White Hot Money Magnet

Money AND Magnetism is a Turn On

You are now entering behind the velvet curtain of my incredible body of work around money energetics and magnetism in business that has supported women to actualise and fulfil their legacy in new and exhilarating ways. 

Inside Part 1: The Money Incubator, you'll find 5 potent trainings - This is about re-wiring to the frequency of money and being at ease within your personal operating system and unique design so that you can make offers that really turn you on in your business. 

Inside Part 2: The Magnetism Incubator, you'll claim access to one of my most powerful bodies of work – the Magnetism sermon and dance. This is where you go beyond sitting and thinking to "manifest" through meditation and actually experience it so you can draw in from out there. 

What will be inevitable for you and your business when you give yourself permission to become a Magnetic Money Maker? 

Claim White Hot Money Magnet now via my online store


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