Three secrets I share on retreat that will instantly add more power to your business

There are three secrets that have emerged from my most recent luxury, private 3-night retreat in far-north Queensland that you need to know for more power. 

 Right now, I know you think that in order to grow, you just need to keep going in your business – that stopping is the worst action you could take to expand or speed up your growth and bottom line. 

Not true. 

Women have always retreated to connect and claim more power and pleasure in their bodies and lives. What you think is a STOP sign to life and business is a pause and slow down so you can go faster in the ways that you desire to. 

On the note of desire, in this episode, I get real about what it is you’re currently complicit in that is keeping you swinging between the states of control and powerlessness – i.e. separate from your desires. 

More specifically – your desires to be seen, to be heard and to be revered. 

Before you know what power plays to make to have those desires manifest for you, you are required to know where the opportunities and leaks are in your energy, body and business.  

Be brazen and bold enough to go there and you’ll soon be seeing and experiencing what you want to happen a whole lot faster but only if you see, hear and revere yourself first

My Power & Pleasure Retreat is here for the red-blooded women in business who can no longer tolerate the tight skin suit of the good girl and are yearning to cross their own threshold into new, expansive terrain… 

This is the 4-night immersion to release control, reclaim your power and revolutionise your pleasure so that you are: 

Seen, heard and revered 

As the red-blooded woman and authority that you are.  

If you are feeling your full body yes, go straight to to claim all the details and secure your place on my upcoming retreat for women in business.


The shadow work you need to do to expand your business potential


Make your full body yes your standard in business